To keep constituents informed, Tom created a periodic email newsletter update that he drafts and sends multiple times throughout the year. For leading efforts to improve South Carolina, Tom has received many statewide recognitions including for his work to restructure state government and to shorten the legislative session; for his advocacy for improving education in South Carolina; for his work to help S.C. Veterans, National Guardsmen, and their families; for his efforts to help South Carolina’s farmers; for his efforts to conserve our states natural resources; for his support of measures protecting taxpayers; and for his leadership addressing deficiencies in child protective services at the Department of Social Services.
In the Senate, Tom serves on the Finance, Education, Rules, Fish and Game, Veterans and Family Affairs, and Oversight Committees as well as the Governor’s Nuclear Advisory Council and the Savannah River Maritime Commission. Locally, Tom is chair of the Aiken County Legislative Delegation and led the Delegation in its efforts to secure an unprecedented $168.85 Million from the state’s SRS Plutonium Settlement for transformative infrastructure projects across Aiken County.